Thu, Dec 14, 1995
by Charles Clough
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 53 secs
The doctrine of man. God is dependent on nothing outside of Himself. The man-nature distinction. The Word of God is the only key authority for the interpretation of all reality. The unique design of man. Man is an image of God in both body and spirit. Man’s body was created with the incarnation of Jesus Christ in mind. Through his body, man rules nature. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 04, 1996
by Charles Clough
Duration: 1 hr 23 mins 59 secs
Distinctions between man and nature. The man-nature distinction separates biblical Christianity from paganism. God didn’t create man the way He created animals. Man’s spirit and the image of God. Features of man that are analogous to features of God. Questions and answers.
Thu, Jan 11, 1996
by Charles Clough
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 12 secs
The Divine Institutions. Violating a Divine Institution means you are violating the structure of how God created us and there are consequences. Responsible labor. Marriage. Family. How nature glorifies God.
Thu, Jan 25, 1996
by Charles Clough
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 42 secs
Paganism always blurs the distinctions of God, man, and nature. The limitations of man. The secret to life, happiness and meaning is not to be found in nature. Constants are located at the Creator level, not the creature level.